

What is aromatherapy ?

     One of the most ancient methods known to mankind to maintain health through natural methods.
Aromatherapy is a branch of alternative medicine that uses the natural aromas of plants to relieve and/or treat various disease conditions. Natural oils can be extracted from various parts of plants such as flowers, leaves, roots, stems, and bark.


     The use of essential oils for therapeutic, spiritual, hygienic and ritual purposes dates back to a number of ancient civilizations, including the Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman, who used them in cosmetics, perfumes and medicines.
     The healing properties of plant oils were described by Dioscorides in his book De Materia Medica, written in the 1st century. Distilled essential oils were used as medicines after the invention of distillation as a process in the 11th century when Avicenna isolated essential oils using steam distillation.
     Around 1907, the concept of aromatherapy was first raised by a small number of European scientists and physicians. In 1937, the word first appeared in print in a French book devoted to the subject, Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles, Hormones Végétales by René Maurice Gathefosse. The English version of the book was published in 1933.
     In 1928 he received burns on his face and hands after an explosion in the laboratory where he worked. He began to treat his wounds with lavender oil. After studying the powerful healing action of this plant, he turned his attention to the action of other essential oils on the human body.
    The French surgeon Jean Valnais pioneered the medicinal use of essential oils, which he used as antiseptics in the treatment of wounded soldiers during World War II.


     Essential oils are widely used for the prevention of various diseases. The stimulating function they have on the brain has been shown to increase cognitive function and improve mood. Aromatherapy is also used to treat muscle stiffness, skin irritations, headaches, sexual function problems, sleep disorders, stress, fear conditions, depression and other nervous disorders.
     Essential oils have proven antibacterial and antiviral properties and therefore their use is recommended in the treatment of various airborne infectious diseases. Some of the oils are even able to reduce the amount of Micrococcus luteus up to 82%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa up to 96% and Staphylococcus aureus up to 44%.
     The action of the oils is explained by the nasal mucosa, which is involved in a person's sense of smell by sending nerve impulses to the limbic system, where the information received from the nasal mucosa is processed through the olfactory nerves. Since each person has a different sense of smell and different perceptions of perceived odor, aromatherapy also works individually on different people.


Essential oils can be introduced into the body
through a variety of ways.

The most common among them are:

Body massage
     Essential oils are rubbed onto the skin using massage movements. Through this method they quickly enter the circulatory system and have an overall beneficial effect on the body's functions. Especially created oils are designed for topical application on areas affected by stretch marks, cellulite, and obesity.

     Inhalation, or inhalation, is another way of introducing the oils into the body. This takes place through the upper respiratory tract and is used in cases where the oils are in a volatile state. It is suitable for various infectious diseases transmitted by the air-drop route such as influenza, and also for laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis.

Hair mask
    This method of application of essential oils is used primarily for beauty treatments. The oil is rubbed into the tips of the hair at frequent split ends or into its roots by gentle massage movements when it is exhausted, without shine and volume, oily, dried or with various scalp problems.

Face balm
    The oils of argan, lavender, rose, salvia and other plants are used to hydrate, nourish, rejuvenate, refresh and improve the elasticity of the facial skin. They can be applied 3 - 4 or more times a day. Apart from beautifying, the oils can also be applied to treat various skin problems such as eczema, warts, scars, wounds, rashes, bruises.

Foot massage
    Oils are applied to chronic fatigue of the limbs, the formation of edema in them or the presence of varicose veins. They improve peripheral circulation in the feet and relieve pain. Their deodorizing effect has also been proven, which is why they are widely used to remove unpleasant odors from the extremities.

Massage in the temple area
    Applied to treat depression, stress, apathy, fatigue and exhaustion.

Aromatic baths
     Dissolved in a bath, essential oils penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream and lymph. They improve the functional state of the body's systems, increase intracellular metabolism and stimulate resistance to harmful environmental influences. Inhaled aromatic vapours favour the function of the central nervous system and have a psychotherapeutic effect.

Natural soy candles
    Last but not least, natural soy candles can help treat depression, stress, apathy, fatigue and exhaustion. They help to relax the senses and relax.
We at Lightmywax strive through our handcrafted products to provide 100% natural products of high quality for a more peaceful and beautiful life.

BODY SERUM with essential oils
   I've always been looking for a product that would fully satisfy my skincare needs.
My skin is sometimes dry, sometimes oily.
Depending on the seasons and the climate, my skin also changes moods.
It was inspired by this my priority "Skin Care",
for the last 10/12 years I have been on a quest to find the right product,
so I made the decision to create it instead of searching for it!
According to a specific skincare for each skin,
I make recipes with the most suitable products!
I assure every single lady as well as Mr.,
that there will be no more perfect care for your skin than this product!
Extremely gentle on the skin, made from 100% natural ingredients!



      Aromatherapy is a natural and non-invasive gift of nature to humans.
This type of therapy regulates physiological, spiritual and psychological levels. It can be called preventive, but it can also be used in acute and chronic stages of disease.
      Aromatherapy offers a variety of ways to improve our daily lives and well-being. Whether you're looking for a way to manage stress or just want to add a little aroma to your daily routine, our products can be an indispensable part of that process.



Materials used: Ароматерапия – Уикипедия (

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